TC2000 Arcade
The official car racing category TC2000 in Argentina required the development of an arcade version of their racing simulator.
This involved 10 tracks that where mapped on-site at the racing tracks with gps and other techniques.
Seven car models where also developed for the game. The game was built in Unity3D from ground-up.
Project Type: Racing Game
Technologies: Unity 3D

Client: Turismo Carretera
Golf Park
This Mini Golf game was developed for Movistar to include in their website so players can complete over scoring for pizes.
It consists of 4 levels: High Voltage, The Terror Hill, Space Race and Circus Locus.
After playing, the game would submits scores to a web database. Programmed entirely in Unity 3D with C#
Project Type: Mini Golf Game
Technologies: Unity 3D

Client: Movistar
El Diario Escondido
The Hidden Diary is a classic 2D Graphic Adventure. A full blown point and click engine was developed in Action Script 3 for this purpose, with scene editors developed in C# .NET
This proyect was for a contest organized by Yellow Pages Argentina where the competitors would play 1 chapter per week for prizes.
Project Type: Graphic Adventure
Technologies: SOHA Propietary Engine, C# .NET

Client: Yellow Pages